メインテーマ(My Column)

The 12 Days Of Christmas 2003/12/28

 今年のクリスマスに間に合わなかったことをお詫びします。曲のタイトルは「The 12  Days Of Christmas」。クリスマスを祝う西洋諸国に生活する人々にとって、12連休のクリ スマス休暇を大喜びで祝う歌なのでしょうか。その点については、私はよく知りません。
 私が今回この歌を取り上げたのは、オーストラリア版の歌詞です。オーストラリアならで はの動物たちが登場して、留学中のクリスマスの時季によく皆で歌いました。実は歌詞付 きのCDを現地で購入していたのですが、帰国間際に車上荒らしに遭ってしまい、思い出 のCDは全て持って行かれてしまいました。今回、ネットでMIDI音源と歌詞を手に入れた次 第です。
 歌詞には一定の法則があって、日を増すごとにキャラが増えていきます。それを順番に 暗記して行く、よくあるゲームみたいです。

On the FIRST day of Christmas, My true love sent to me, A kookaburra in a gum tree.

On the SECOND day of Christmas, My true love sent to me, Two snakes on skis,  And a kookaburra in a gum tree.

On the THIRD day of Christmas, My true love sent to me, Three wet galahs, Two snakes on skis,
And a kookaburra in a gum tree.

On the FOURTH day of Christmas, My true love sent to me, Four lyrebirds, Three wet galahs,
Two snakes on skis, And a kookaburra in a gum tree.

On the FIFTH day of Christmas, My true love sent to me, Five kangaroos,
Four lyrebirds, Three wet galahs, Two snakes on skis, And a kookaburra in a gum tree.

On the SIXTH day of Christmas, My true love sent to me, Six sharks a-surfing, Five kangaroos,
Four lyrebirds, Three wet galahs, Two snakes on skis, And a kookaburra in a gum tree.

On the SEVENTH day of Christmas, My true love sent to me, Seven emus laying, Six sharks a-surfing,
Five kangaroos, Four lyrebirds, Three wet galahs, Two snakes on skis, And a kookaburra in a gum tree.

On the EIGHTH day of Christmas, My true love sent to me, Eight dingos dancing,  Seven emus laying,
Six sharks a-surfing, Five kangaroos, Four lyrebirds, Three wet galahs,
Two snakes on skis, And a kookaburra in a gum tree.

On the NINTH day of Christmas, My true love sent to me, Nine crocs a-snoozing?  Eight dingos dancing,
Seven emus laying, Six sharks a-surfing, Five kangaroos, Four lyrebirds,
Three wet galahs, Two snakes on skis, And a kookaburra in a gum tree.

On the TENTH day of Christmas, My true love sent to me, Ten wombats washing,  Nine crocs a-snoozing?
Eight dingos dancing, Seven emus laying, Six sharks a-surfing, Five kangaroos, Four lyrebirds,
Three wet galahs, Two snakes on skis, And a kookaburra in a gum tree.

On the ELEVENTH day of Christmas, My true love sent to me, Eleven lizards leaping,
Ten wombats washing, Nine crocs a-snoozing? Eight dingos dancing,
Seven emus laying, Six sharks a-surfing, Five kangaroos, Four lyrebirds,
Three wet galahs, Two snakes on skis, And a kookaburra in a gum tree.

On the TWELFTH day of Christmas, My true love sent to me, Twelve possums playing,
Eleven lizards leaping, Ten wombats washing, Nine crocs a-snoozing?
Eight dingos dancing, Seven emus laying, Six sharks a-surfing, Five kangaroos,
Four lyrebirds, Three wet galahs, Two snakes on skis, And a kookaburra in a gum tree.
